Sunday 18 July 2021

Backyard Winter Wonderland


Your backyard can be a winter wonderland no matter what your weather conditions may be. I live in a zone 5 climate so I may have several feet of snow on the ground at any given time or a dusting. So far I have a dusting. This means my snow shovels are setting idly by but my outdoor activities are shortened. (I really don’t care for colder weather.)

But in the winter I have the most beautiful views of the Conewango creek and Akeley Swamp and all the wildlife activity it offers. This morning there was a fresh light dusting of snow on the branches and icicles were forming on the low branches on the creek bank. As the sun peaked over the hill the water sparkled. What a relaxing site.

And once in a while, even on a cold dreary day, a canoe will pass by the house.

Many people also have interesting bushes or trees that offer splashes of color in a winter landscape. Colored bark or twig and berries add to the backyard and any hardscape creates interesting patterns and forms in the winter.

If your lucky enough to be able to use the outdoors at night with only a sweater or coat outdoor kitchens and fire pits may be a wonderful; options to add activity and warmth to your winter days.

Ideas to add interest to your backyard in the winter months.

Sunrooms, enclosed patios, balconies and porches will add a place to enjoy the outdoors without the cold winds and weather.

A room that has a view of an interesting outdoor landscape will help give the feel of more room and bridge the indoors and outdoors.

The addition of more plants, particularly those with flowers will add color to your rooms and remind you of gardens.

Any warmer day is a perfect time to fire up the barbeque. It’s an amazing what a fire outdoors will do to add warmth and a change of pace to a day.

The addition of bird feeders and birdhouses will add activity and fun to your backyard. Your can watch the antics of the birds and try to identify the different varieties. And the varieties of houses available will add color to your backyard.

I have always found winter the perfect time to evaluate your backyard and plant any changes for the following year. A chain link fence is really handy for your backyard. It will give you extra privacy and security. It’s a time to slow down and appreciate family, friends and nature. Of course I am still looking forward to spring.

Friday 18 June 2021

Start Perennial Shrub Seeds Indoors


Perennial shrub seeds can be fun and an interesting challenge to grow. My first adventures with shrubs seeds were the different color varieties of the Rose of Sharon.

I always liked this flowering shrub because of the color variety and the time it flowered, later than most bushes thus adding more color to the yard.

I was offered seeds in a seed swap so decided to look the shrub up and see its advantages and disadvantages and see if it would be a welcome addition to my landscape. It saw no red flags that indicated it would be a nuisance plant and made a deal.

I was lucky, seed planting instructions were included and over several tries I have added a few tips on my own. Below is a rough guide that will work with most perennial shrub seeds. When you get a shrub seed check online, at your local extension office or your local library for seed planting tips.

  1. Check to see if your seed needs a clod treatment. (Time in the freezer or refrigerator to encourage the seed to wake up and start to grow when it warms up)
  2. Either soak or nick the seed to help with germination
  3. Prepare individual seed pots for the seeds and make sure there will be proper drainage. I alway
  4.  sit the pots on a tray of pebbles. This helps with drainage and adds humidity around the seedlings.
    Water carefully from below and make sure the top of the soil does not get soggy.
  5. After the seedling break the ground I will mist from the top and water from the bottom.

TIP: This was not mentioned in my Rose of Sharon growing instruction but it worked well with my seedling. I sat them on top of the television so they would have heat from beneath the soil. This will also work on top of the refrigerator or by using a waterbed heating mattress pad. By using heat beneath the soil my seedling germinated in less than a week.

Shrubs will grow slowly so I often plant them in decorative pots the first year and place outside on a patio or porch area.

In the fall you can either bring the shrub in for the winter months if you feel its so small to survive or plant outdoors. Often small shrubs like this I will place in a garden area I call the holding garden. It’s a place where small vulnerable plants can have more care and protection.

I planted most of my Rose of Sharon in a holding garden for two years then placed them in the backyard. They have grown well and have added beauty to the landscape.

I also gave a few bushes away or traded for other plants I wanted. And one other use for the Rose of Sharon bushes were bonsais. These shrubs make a very pretty bonsai.

I will be starting a new crop of Rose of Sharon after the holidays and will have a photo journal of their progress, which I will post. I will also be starting several other varieties of shrubs, trees and perennials for next years gardening projects in the next few weeks.

Saturday 1 May 2021

How to attract birds to your backyard oasis



The addition of birds will add color and laughter to your backyard. Even in the winter months with planning you can have birds visiting your birdfeeders and birdhouses.

Create a bird haven by purchasing  a bird feeder. They are available online or at your local garden center. If you are creative you may want to build your own.

Bird feeders come in a variety of sizes and shapes. You may also want to add seed feeders, suet feeders or nectar feeders. Your choice will depend on the time of year and the birds you want to attract.

Bird food will also be chosen based on the types of birds you would like to attract.

  • Seeds attract the widest variety of birds, including chickadees and cardinals.
  • Suet attracts insect-eaters like woodpeckers and nuthatches.
  • Nectar feeders will attract the entertaining hummingbird, a personal favorite of mine.

Place a birdbath in your yard. Water is just as important as food in a bird’s diet. Bathing is also a daily bird routine and is often comical to watch.

If you want a more upscale birdbath, find one that has running water or a fountain. A bird bath with running water is a plus in the winter to keep fresh water available plus the sound of the water will also add to your personal enjoyment. Just make  sure that there are dry ledges in and around the birdbath so the birds can drink in cold weather and not have to get wet.

Place a birdhouse or two in your yard. There are many birdhouse varieties that will fit in well in your backyard décor.

Try to keep the birdhouse in a protected location and not exposed and out in the open. And remember when selecting a birdhouse the size of the bird hole entrance will determine which bird will use the house. Ask the garden center when purchasing the house what bird variety will use the house.

Gardens, shrubs and trees will influence the birds that will use your backyard. Choose plants that have nectar and others that have seeds. Bushes that are prickly or thick are great for shelter. There are also plants that attract insects, which will provide natural food you’re your birds. Trees will also provide food and shelter for many different types of birds.


Keep the area clean under any bird feeder. This leftover food and seed material can create unhealthy bacteria.

Always keep your birdbath clean. And in the winter you may have to add fresh water to a birdbath or remove frozen water.

Squirrels can become a nuisance at a bird feeder. Try to discourage their use of the feeders. Bears are also attracted to feeders so you may have to remove them if bears become a problem in your area.

You may want to consider adding feeders, birdhouses, birdbath or fountain and even a mini garden that will attract birds to your backyard oasis area.

Backyard Winter Wonderland

  Your backyard can be a winter wonderland no matter what your weather conditions may be. I live in a zone 5 climate so I may have several f...