The addition of birds will add color and laughter to your backyard. Even in the winter months with planning you can have birds visiting your birdfeeders and birdhouses.
Create a bird haven by purchasing a bird feeder. They are available online or at your local garden center. If you are creative you may want to build your own.
Bird feeders come in a variety of sizes and shapes. You may also want to add seed feeders, suet feeders or nectar feeders. Your choice will depend on the time of year and the birds you want to attract.
Bird food will also be chosen based on the types of birds you would like to attract.
- Seeds attract the widest variety of birds, including chickadees and cardinals.
- Suet attracts insect-eaters like woodpeckers and nuthatches.
- Nectar feeders will attract the entertaining hummingbird, a personal favorite of mine.
Place a birdbath in your yard. Water is just as important as food in a bird’s diet. Bathing is also a daily bird routine and is often comical to watch.
If you want a more upscale birdbath, find one that has running water or a fountain. A bird bath with running water is a plus in the winter to keep fresh water available plus the sound of the water will also add to your personal enjoyment. Just make sure that there are dry ledges in and around the birdbath so the birds can drink in cold weather and not have to get wet.
Place a birdhouse or two in your yard. There are many birdhouse varieties that will fit in well in your backyard décor.
Try to keep the birdhouse in a protected location and not exposed and out in the open. And remember when selecting a birdhouse the size of the bird hole entrance will determine which bird will use the house. Ask the garden center when purchasing the house what bird variety will use the house.
Gardens, shrubs and trees will influence the birds that will use your backyard. Choose plants that have nectar and others that have seeds. Bushes that are prickly or thick are great for shelter. There are also plants that attract insects, which will provide natural food you’re your birds. Trees will also provide food and shelter for many different types of birds.
Keep the area clean under any bird feeder. This leftover food and seed material can create unhealthy bacteria.
Always keep your birdbath clean. And in the winter you may have to add fresh water to a birdbath or remove frozen water.
Squirrels can become a nuisance at a bird feeder. Try to discourage their use of the feeders. Bears are also attracted to feeders so you may have to remove them if bears become a problem in your area.
You may want to consider adding feeders, birdhouses, birdbath or fountain and even a mini garden that will attract birds to your backyard oasis area.